Stay away from fur!


This is not a very nice video to watch, but it is so important to not close your eyes! It is about the fur industry and it is telling about how the industry is trying to justify what they are doing, but the arguments are ridiculous if you ask me. To keep animals locked up all their life is torture and there is no justice for that! I have been opponent to fur all my life, I do not wear fake fur either, because I feel that if you are wearing fake fur, you are sending a message that fur is somewhat cool. And you can not actually know if it is fake fur since real fur with bad quality is less expensive to make then good quality fake fur! So real fur may be sold as fake fur!
Please help by letting people know how the animals suffer, for no apparent reason at all! Make sure that the products you buy are fur free and no animal had to suffer to make it! And tell your friends were you stand!

The video is in norwegian:

Video with english subtitels:



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